Winnipeg to Sutherland
Winnipeg (Leave 0100)
Handle all traffic destined between Portage la Prairie and Saskatoon plus Saskatoon traffic not available for 975.
Horsepower to E.G.T. Ratio
10% reduction from haulage capacity of engine handling.
Blocking Order
- Van
- Empty Equipment for fill-out
- Sutherland Potash Cars
- Saskatoon (977-8)
- Lanigan (977-7)
- Sutherland Sub (977-6)
- Goudie (977-5)
- Yorkton (977-4)
- Wynyard Sub. (977-3)
- Bredenbury Potash Cars
- Bredenbury Sub. (977-2)
- Minnedosa Sub. (977-1)
- Portage la Prairie